Friday, January 15, 2010

Why is it.....

Why is it that when I finally resolve that it is time to do something about my fat arse....that I swear either my hubby cooks really high fat food OR I am just dying for something that is not good for me?!? Why? Why? Why? I have done really great all week. I must admit that I cheated and got on the scale this morning. I am disappointed that I did that, but at the same time, sort of glad I did. I have worked out like a crazy person this week. I attended 2 work out classes on Tuesday and Thursday that are given by this insane in the brain trainer. Worked out twice on for eating better and working out 4 days in a row....what did it get me...well, according to the scale - I gained a flippin pound! How is that possible? If anyone dares to post that I must have "gained muscle" - I will beat you with a stick while shoving a cinnabon in your mouth and forcing you to eat it! So, while I am frustrated, I am possibly more motivated. I am disappointed in myself for getting on the scale, but also happy I did b/c it will give me more motivation to be disciplined this weekend. So....hope you ladies have better luck than me in our first week. Can't wait to see how we are all coping with the stress of our jobs, life in general and this icky cold weather. I am so ready for it to warm up....which reminds me that bikini season is right around the corner....ugh!


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