Friday, January 22, 2010

Slim in 6

Okay - is it a pipe dream to think one can really get "Slim in 6" weeks? As far as exercise programs go, it is not too terribly expensive so I am giving it a whirl thanks to Arlene's friend Kam. Keep your fingers crossed!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Why is it.....

Why is it that when I finally resolve that it is time to do something about my fat arse....that I swear either my hubby cooks really high fat food OR I am just dying for something that is not good for me?!? Why? Why? Why? I have done really great all week. I must admit that I cheated and got on the scale this morning. I am disappointed that I did that, but at the same time, sort of glad I did. I have worked out like a crazy person this week. I attended 2 work out classes on Tuesday and Thursday that are given by this insane in the brain trainer. Worked out twice on for eating better and working out 4 days in a row....what did it get me...well, according to the scale - I gained a flippin pound! How is that possible? If anyone dares to post that I must have "gained muscle" - I will beat you with a stick while shoving a cinnabon in your mouth and forcing you to eat it! So, while I am frustrated, I am possibly more motivated. I am disappointed in myself for getting on the scale, but also happy I did b/c it will give me more motivation to be disciplined this weekend. So....hope you ladies have better luck than me in our first week. Can't wait to see how we are all coping with the stress of our jobs, life in general and this icky cold weather. I am so ready for it to warm up....which reminds me that bikini season is right around the corner....ugh!


Equine Divine Intervention

I have never been a naturally thin person. While many of my friends are just now starting to have slower metabolism, I've struggled with weight my whole life. I was 10 pounds at birth, and from that moment on, I had to exercise and watch everything I eat. And it is an every day struggle. I'm not a fan of exercise. I love sweets. Food is a band-aid to all my ills.

It was easier once upon a time to stay thinner, as my Mom cooked all our meals, and I was heavily involved in softball and school activities. I didn't have time to think about eating as much....heck, I barely had time to scarf down a granola bar before heading out to my next activity. And the summer I graduated high school, I ended up on the best diet ever...mono. I lost 10 pounds in two and a half weeks, and spent six months trying to get my appetite back. At 5'9, I was down to 128 pounds. Very skinny...very exciting. :)

But then it caught up to me. Between the pressures of school, my mother's cancer, and a bad relationship, I ballooned to 200 pounds. I was a size 18, fat, unhappy, and (to be honest) ugly. So after four years of feeling disgusting and depressed, I broke up with the boy, and lost 40 pounds in two years. It would take the loss of my mother (and the knowledge that I too could head down the same path if I didn't eat and exercise better) before I would lose the other 20. I managed to stay thin for a year, and then I started gaining again. This time, it was purely because I was in love, and my (now) husband and I both ate our weight in whatever we wanted.

I am now not quite as bad off as before, but still unhappy with my body. This time, it has been hard to get motivated. My wedding didn't make me want to lose weight. I all but abandoned my fears of cancer and started eating sweets and red meat again. Even the thought of wanting to get pregnant someday wasn't really enough. I was frustrated. What would it take?

Then I met a horse named Clinton.

Clinton is a warmblood who is trained in classical Dressage. To get him to perfectly execute the Dressage movements in the arena, you have to have incredible leg strength, a tight core, great posture, and intense upper body strength. I have ridden him a few times now, and it takes all I have to get him to make circles in the arena, with his neck arched and body bended. But being this weight, and being this weak, will not help me improve my riding. And more than anything, I want a blue ribbon.

So instead of stressing myself out about a pant size, my goal is to show Clinton. To win that blue ribbon. To be strong and secure and become one in the Dressage arena. And one day, become a Grand Prix rider. Did you know that most Olympic Dressage riders are in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and even 60s? I know I have the talent and the its time to have the strength to make it happen. So I am eating right, and working out every day, in addition to two riding lessons a week. It's long, hard, frustrating work, but I am determined. And every lesson that my instructor doesn't have to yell at me ("head up! heels down! hands quiet! round him out! on the bit!"), and every lesson Clinton and I are connected, is one more victory. One step closer to showing.

Because for me, being skinny isn't important anymore. Being a great and elegant rider, is.


(Below is Anky Van Grunsven, multiple gold medalist in Dressage. I'd love to be her one day!)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Time and time again...

I could kick myself that I am back at this place AGAIN this year. It seems every year, I start out the year with the best of intentions....and every year, I get de-railed somehow and am back on the wagon so to speak in January. So....this I am again. I weighed myself yesterday - 144!!!!! There, I said it out loud. It is the exact number from last year. I busted my butt last year and got down to 129!!!! I was so proud of myself. I felt and looked great. But I weighed myself (daily, I might add) over the last 5 months - the number kept climbing and I did nothing to stop it. In fact, I am fairly certain I intentionally helped it go up on occasion. Okay - so this year, I can mark with 100% accuracy when my downward spiral started. August 14th when a group of gals picked up my best friend, Angie (also part of the blog) and we celebrated all weekend her last Hoorah as a single gal. Yep - that's right....I am blaming Angie. :) Kidding of course. I also blame the White House Black Market for ever allowing me to buy a freaking size 4 dress. Very lucky it was able to zip for Angie's wedding - and that the seams did not rip apart at any point during the night.

Okay - so enough. Here I am again like so many other years. This year - what will be different? I have you ladies in my corner this time. I am hoping this blog will make me feel more accountable to you guys and to myself. I am also hoping to stop trying to get in shape and lose weight for some specific function or even just bathing suit season. This needs to be a lifestyle change and NOT a diet! So - here are my goals for myself: 1 - STOP WEIGHING MYSELF EVERY DAY! 2 - Eat right and exercise as often as possible - duh. 3 - Stop being so damn hard on myself when I have a bad meal, bad day or bad week. 4 - Stop the desire to look like someone else and being happy with me and what God gave me - for better or for worse.

Believe it or not, the hardest resolution for me to keep will be hopping on the scale every dern day. So - I want you ladies to hold me to task on that one. This morning was the first time in 15 years that I have made a conscious decision to not get on the scale. I weighed in yesterday and the next time I am going to weigh myself will be next Monday. This is going to be very hard for me - although I am not sure why since the scale has been my enemy for the past 5 months. Like how I am blaming Angie and the scale instead of myself? :)

Okay - ladies - it's 2010 - LET'S DO THIS THING!!!!

- Kerry

Soup Kitchen

Today I had soup for lunch. Most folk's think soup is real healthy and non-filling. However, when you add bread on the side (for dipping) and some nice cream to the broth (it was potato soup), it becomes very filling and satisfying . . . let's not forget FATTENING.

Clearly, I haven't started on my weight loss journey yet.

The other three girls on this blog will likely talk about accolades of exercise and eating healthy. My contribution will be the talk about trying to fit exercise and healthy eating into my current lifestyle.

It's gonna be a challenge but I think I might just be able to do it. I've done it so many times before that it's just old news at this point.

I'm going to start playing the Lottery more too . . . weight loss is a gamble so why sit around?

Losers Like Us

Lose Weight.

Sounds simple, doesn't it? A few hours on the treadmill, cutting out a snack or two, and voila! Instant hot body.

If only it was that simple.

We've all got good intentions. We work out, we eat right for a few weeks....but then life gets in the way. We are tired. The kids need us. We need a place to air dry our clothes, and the exercise equipment has just the right spots. That cookie was mocking us, and therefore had to be eaten. So did that piece of cake. And that pasta dish. Same old story.

But us girls are looking to change that pattern. We are the few, the brave...the carbless.

So if you're looking for a place to find inspiration, empathy and a whole lot of laughter, join us as we embark on a journey of health. There will be tales of glory...pounds lost, muscle gained. And, there will be tales of falling off the wagon just a bit. The siren's call of carbs. Hey, Rome wasn't built in a day. Neither is a healthy body.

This isn't a blog to tell you what to do to be fit. This is a blog to chronicle our journeys, and to help you see how real women make it work. We are wives, mothers, daughters, sisters and aunts. We work full time. We are all shapes and sizes. We all have different goals. And we are all committed to doing what's best for ourselves, and for our families.

And remember what's most important, no matter what you get from this blog. Being fit isn't just about fitting in a certain size. It's about loving yourself enough to care about your life.

Yours in Health!