Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Time and time again...

I could kick myself that I am back at this place AGAIN this year. It seems every year, I start out the year with the best of intentions....and every year, I get de-railed somehow and am back on the wagon so to speak in January. So....this year.....here I am again. I weighed myself yesterday - 144!!!!! There, I said it out loud. It is the exact number from last year. I busted my butt last year and got down to 129!!!! I was so proud of myself. I felt and looked great. But then....as I weighed myself (daily, I might add) over the last 5 months - the number kept climbing and I did nothing to stop it. In fact, I am fairly certain I intentionally helped it go up on occasion. Okay - so this year, I can mark with 100% accuracy when my downward spiral started. August 14th when a group of gals picked up my best friend, Angie (also part of the blog) and we celebrated all weekend her last Hoorah as a single gal. Yep - that's right....I am blaming Angie. :) Kidding of course. I also blame the White House Black Market for ever allowing me to buy a freaking size 4 dress. Very lucky it was able to zip for Angie's wedding - and that the seams did not rip apart at any point during the night.

Okay - so enough. Here I am again like so many other years. This year - what will be different? I have you ladies in my corner this time. I am hoping this blog will make me feel more accountable to you guys and to myself. I am also hoping to stop trying to get in shape and lose weight for some specific function or even just bathing suit season. This needs to be a lifestyle change and NOT a diet! So - here are my goals for myself: 1 - STOP WEIGHING MYSELF EVERY DAY! 2 - Eat right and exercise as often as possible - duh. 3 - Stop being so damn hard on myself when I have a bad meal, bad day or bad week. 4 - Stop the desire to look like someone else and being happy with me and what God gave me - for better or for worse.

Believe it or not, the hardest resolution for me to keep will be hopping on the scale every dern day. So - I want you ladies to hold me to task on that one. This morning was the first time in 15 years that I have made a conscious decision to not get on the scale. I weighed in yesterday and the next time I am going to weigh myself will be next Monday. This is going to be very hard for me - although I am not sure why since the scale has been my enemy for the past 5 months. Like how I am blaming Angie and the scale instead of myself? :)

Okay - ladies - it's 2010 - LET'S DO THIS THING!!!!

- Kerry

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