Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Losers Like Us

Lose Weight.

Sounds simple, doesn't it? A few hours on the treadmill, cutting out a snack or two, and voila! Instant hot body.

If only it was that simple.

We've all got good intentions. We work out, we eat right for a few weeks....but then life gets in the way. We are tired. The kids need us. We need a place to air dry our clothes, and the exercise equipment has just the right spots. That cookie was mocking us, and therefore had to be eaten. So did that piece of cake. And that pasta dish. Same old story.

But us girls are looking to change that pattern. We are the few, the brave...the carbless.

So if you're looking for a place to find inspiration, empathy and a whole lot of laughter, join us as we embark on a journey of health. There will be tales of glory...pounds lost, muscle gained. And, there will be tales of falling off the wagon just a bit. The siren's call of carbs. Hey, Rome wasn't built in a day. Neither is a healthy body.

This isn't a blog to tell you what to do to be fit. This is a blog to chronicle our journeys, and to help you see how real women make it work. We are wives, mothers, daughters, sisters and aunts. We work full time. We are all shapes and sizes. We all have different goals. And we are all committed to doing what's best for ourselves, and for our families.

And remember what's most important, no matter what you get from this blog. Being fit isn't just about fitting in a certain size. It's about loving yourself enough to care about your life.

Yours in Health!

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